How Can We Help
At Rooted Path, we work to help you heal from diet culture through body connection and empowerment. Some examples of ways we can help you move away from diet culture and find peace with your body and food include:
Learning to eat mindfully and intuitively to promote peace in your relationship to food.
Removes emphasis on counting calories and categorizing foods as good or bad and ignoring our natural cravings and our hunger and fullness cues.
Learning body acceptance, body image resilience, and body trust.
Removes body mistreatment through calorie restriction and excessive exercise by separating “the extra weight” from our bodies as if it doesn’t belong.
Learning to value, celebrate, and accept body diversity.
Removes misconceptions of what is “normal weight” in attempting to scrunch all bodies into very narrow low weight ranges that don’t take into account size diversity which includes genetic differences in weight, shape, and bone structure.
Learning to value your unique, beautiful self to build self compassion.
Removes objectification, self blame and the idea that something is “wrong” or shameful about who you are.
Learning to cultivate distress tolerance.
Removes helplessness, stagnation, and overwhelm.